Current time: 20 Apr 2024, 06:41 AM

Shoutbox archive

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medium cheese, medium cracker
Little cracker
Big cheese
I should’ve went easy on you smh
those 1taps were too good for you Kappa @SmG Luminous
habibi noob
WHyyy whats wrong
fam im back but i cant even run the client
yooo alhpii returns
like im running some wires shit
i have a fucking dell hp 15
hey thats the life of me
so now all i have to do is change the program name to something school related like uhhhh Desmos and we chilling
that runs discord
i got a new computer
uhhhhh well its just your luck
@SmG Alphii when are u coming back to discord?
Nukem, why you gotta do me like that you bully

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Edited by: «SmG» Wires