Current time: 23 Apr 2024, 03:27 PM

Shoutbox archive

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so -rep to u
smh you gave me reg reppppppp
i know you got eyes in that head of yours
read it and find out
what's up with the neg reppppp
I should make a thread about that
It's christmas bois lezgo
and i spent $100 dollars on my brother Christmas gift
actually crying
big oof
i preordered 2 years ago, i cant
i can still refund
oh shit
and cry at 60 dollars down the drain for preorder
lmao im going to edit a video
stare at the best buy website and hope a 3080 is in stock long enough to buy one
i'm gonna go play uh
actually glad i bought ow so i can play that now

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Edited by: «SmG» Wires