Current time: 25 Apr 2024, 08:31 AM

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then again i had a nightmare the other night where i came home and one of my favorite unopened hot wheels had a bent card
youve spent too much time online if thats what you consider a nightmare
hows that a nightmare
Tonight I experienced Nightmare. In my dream I opened smg website to see is there any reply on my latest thread. When I logged in I see that I can't logged in. Then I woke up
@SmG Alphii You're right! i am gonna raise your voice to higher authorities. WE NEED NEW COLOR
too many oranges i feel old
LMAO @SmG Psych
idiots man... psh
no, its 11, dumby
6 + 9 = 69
If by WIN you mean showed up, then you are quite the skilled combatant :)
Just won giveaway. Just realized I don't have pc from 2 months.
@VaLiant I love your signature!
@«SmG» Cloud I didn't got any dm
Okay Cloud!
I am much better, Now I've flu and bad throat just. Thanks Vee!
get better soon sir

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Theme By: «SmG» Cloud
Edited by: «SmG» Wires