Current time: 23 Apr 2024, 04:46 AM

Shoutbox archive

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@«SmG» Rooma I sent many awards Applications!
@areej Sent a Buddy Request!
@areej man made like 4 LOL
cheese sucks lol @Roadkill_GTO
@«SmG» Cloud sup dawg
zaid nice ban appeal bro
cell u kinda cringe
rip sonicdab
sonicdab kinda cringe bro
@«SmG» Kalitz bring back sonicdab you boomer
which haters can i dab on now?
Also, i get we needed new emotes but dog, @«SmG» Cloud why did you get rid of sonicdab?
t20 cringe
I see

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Theme By: «SmG» Cloud
Edited by: «SmG» Wires