Current time: 23 Apr 2024, 01:35 PM

Shoutbox archive

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i can become staff easily
i member when the forums was all there was, and TeamSpeak, lol
Ok thank you areej
or u need to have skills that make u different from others
u have to be a real good member if u want a chance at being staff
Staff, many apply, only a few are selected.
once again W take from areej you love to see it
*make or reply to
if you want to become a full member make 25 posts on threads, chattin in the shoutbox wont help.
Yes like no one is on here I'm just on here because I want to lv up to a member and then a staff and so on
I mean this is how forums work, they're almost never spontaneous.
a bunch of people use it, it just hasn’t been that active as of recently. KittySip
Yea it doesn't seem like a lot of people use it rn either
havent been on this website for 3 years lol
That is not an answer
God bless who or what?
god bless

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