Current time: 24 Apr 2024, 11:30 AM

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when does he not
nukem kinda spitting rn
Pay me 100 RUB and I'll tell you how three.
Pay me 100 gbp and I'll tell you how too.
you will never be accepted as a staff member while you still act immature.
Pay me 100 usd and I'll tell you how
hey altair and lupa(needed tips to get my Staff Application Accepted)
if thats put in record my name should be burning
i get like 5 messages from the secret ''Team'' that i am awarded blazing
how much am i blazing
Happy Canadian thanksgiving everyone!
Later, I will share that issue.
Something very fking bad happened with my discord account.
hey clouddddddddddddddddd was that meme good
anyone got 25 freinds
thanks you too lol

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Edited by: «SmG» Wires