Current time: 16 Apr 2024, 07:09 AM

Shoutbox archive

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it’s always warm here in FL
so your living in hell?
every once in a while anyway
people wanna live where i live cause its always warm but to me thats boring, id rather live someplace where the weather changes
We have snowman too
the snow effect on the forums page is a nice touch
Snow is Fashion of cold
i havent seen any in over 2 years
i miss the snow
Cold is the fashion of Snow
and the cold
got lots of snow where i am take it all please lol
Imagine being told that your going to get 16 inches of snow and really gonna get >1
Imagine yourself near sea and the snow is falling.
if you sniff it you can see reindeers
i got lots of snow
we're talking about snow

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