Current time: 24 Apr 2024, 05:04 AM

Shoutbox archive

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Draxx is back lmao
the best part about reddit is the anonymity, at least for me. i can express myself without being judged by the snobs for friends and family that i have irl.
i dont really take reddit seriously, i enjoy some subreddits like r/hotwheels but when i come across a subreddit with an ultra sensitive
community, ngl its fun to troll them because they take themselves so seriously
also check rAskReddit
there are tons of great subreddits out there. judging the entire reddit community as such based on a particular subreddit is like judging all discord users based on members of a particular discord server
go check r/niceguys, r/offensivejokes, r/iam14andthisisdeep, r/birdsarentreal and r/britishproblems
sometimes ill hop into r/unpopularopinions just to post something controversial and watch all the karens storm the comments section
close... it was r/unpopularopinions but there were a lot of pissed off vegans
have a good weekend everyone!
Depends on what subreddit you posted your comment in. Was this by any chance r/Vegan? :kekw:
redditors get so offended so easily its hilarious
i pissed off over 100 people on reddit over a comment i made about eating animals lmao
Wtf, D11X1 I also don't do brush regularly because doing toothbrush is full of tired and most difficult part in our daily life.
sure, i havent brushed my teeth in 2 weeks hope thats okay
and we have D and X in our names
oh damn
draxx thats where im at lol

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