Current time: 19 Apr 2024, 12:16 PM

Shoutbox archive

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Bon jouer people
You wouldnt, havent been here in 6 years apparently though i thought it had been less, dont have access to my original account atm
idk u
YES YES crimson..
send me a message
send a mod a message
Hi, i am a SmG member but i changed my discord account, now it is Caveira #9745 so please update my role on the server, Thanks.
And wow its been almost 6 years... I hadn't realized it
I see SmG survived the attempted LoL takeover possibly? Guess you could consider me a retired member, this is SmG Guren from years ago. Some of the older guys may remember me.
fuck college
I'm landing on da mooon
Hello, We are in Mars. And our spaceship got broke.
h-hello brother, long time no see
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
gonna give maths exam again this november
5 grade in all subjects (out of 9) and 3 in Maths.
it was awful
For starters.. how was the results

SmG Gaming, © 2010-2024
Theme By: «SmG» Cloud
Edited by: «SmG» Wires