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xBox and PC versions, same servers?
Offline Beasty

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Re: xBox and PC versions, same servers?

it wouldn't be really be all that possible anyway. The PC version im pretty sure is Server browser, all the users connect to the server itself and update at their own pace, which is why ping/warping and all that comes into affect. Consoles dont use this method for connections, Its pretty unique to PC actually. Consoles use "Matchmaking", where the player is assigned a server by the game itself based on his ping to that server, that way other players with ping like his are matched together. In addition, there is a "host" on matchmaking, where one player is designated as "host" and they act as a medium between updates from the player to the server and back. Because players are matched together based on pings with the server (and consequently each other) the packet updates are more in unison when they are sent through the host to the server making things like lag and warping less common. Lag can happen but its either server lag or the designated hosts connection is dropping, which is a disadvantage to matchmaking. If the hosts internet caps then the server and players are completely separated and cannot connect to each other, at which point the the game recognizes this and ends the match. (unless the game has Host-Migration, where a new host is selected, usually because he/she has the best ping-server to ping-players ratio)

Im sure that because the framework of the connections are different that its not easy to match PC and console players together. The only game i can think of off the top of my head would be Dust 514 and EVE online being together, but there not actually connected on the same servers. When an user calls in an an strike in EVE on the PC it sends the location of its strike to the other server that manages the console game Dust and subsequently that server updates the players on console. Thats really the only way I think its even possible (PC players > PC server > PS3 Server> PS3 Match Host > PS3 Players and back.)

Hopefully the next gen- excuse me THIS gen (keep forgetting that PS3 and Xbox 360 are last gen now :p ) will make an attempt at this sort of thing though, if not between PC + console at least between each other....
10 Apr 2013, 11:18 AM
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