Current time: 28 Apr 2024, 11:39 PM

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big flex alphii
Okie kiddos take it to pms, DMs, or discord si si?
You have good advice
and im still top 50 on discord
write fanfictions
listen to music
but i rock climb
i have school too
yeah well
I got school at day but its bad
but dont spend every waking moment on SmG its not healthy
idk fam
I looks bad and uneven
Lmao i can draw a stick figure
do some art
Yeah alphii thats ironic
That sounds like a personal issue
Im at a stage where i need to be a higher grade in math
or find a egirl who turns out to be a racist and makes you realize you spend too much time in SmG

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Theme By: «SmG» Cloud
Edited by: «SmG» Wires