Current time: 26 Apr 2024, 04:39 PM

Shoutbox archive

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this performance is gonna make me far cry too
i dont even have an xbox one x and this shit is like playing god damn far cry 2
this is bonkers
and then maybe i'd be getting 10 more frames
I'd have bought a 3070 or 3080 if they were in stock
you should
but hey, if you got some monster alienware fucking h2v EU computer, this game runs fine.
I should make a thread about this
they should have
i'd rather wait for a game I can play than put up with this
they shoulda delayed it again
im actually getting 20 fps in the character customization screen wtf lol. Fucking Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days on my ds runs better than this
fam my xfinity wifi cant handle this shit
I'll dm you my specs
It should be overkill
my pee cee
what are you running it on?
I'm supposed to be running it at 1440p on high settings, but it's literally fucked
I'm getting below 20 fps at 1080p on my 1080ti

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