Current time: 25 Apr 2024, 11:23 PM

Shoutbox archive

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You wanna fight cell? I'll toss your damn salad down the street. Don't mess with me. I'll give you a swirlie and post it on tiktok if you keep that up
that pfp looking hot cells
--- someone who got banned on the discord
or be 12
like on the discord you get banned if you look at someone funny, but here on the forum you have to commit genocide against small Armenian children
i don't know why they make it so hard to get banned smh
i wish i got banned
i'm gonna miss you man
he's gonna ban you bro
I am now permanently scared
wires visited my profile
no problem bbg
Thanks @Rundas
"now fock off" - Gordon Ramasy
This had to be the most @'s I have in the shoutbox in one day lol

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Theme By: «SmG» Cloud
Edited by: «SmG» Wires