Current time: 26 Apr 2024, 04:08 AM

Shoutbox archive

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you too
happy holiday
happy holidays :)
@SmG Alphii Let's fly together
Helikopter Helikopter
or holidays to fellow human beings
but fr Merry Christmas, or Hanukah to my Jewish brothers
prepare, I have the power of 18 children in my basement! MWAHAHAHAH
Ive Returned After 7 Months
ain’t no way
Im Lost
Meanwhile Kamikaze : When we go brrr, you go brrr
ww2 pilots dropping the nuke on hiroshima be like - "haha bomb goes *whistles* boom boom"
Nuke it.
i've lost my discord account

SmG Gaming, © 2010-2024
Theme By: «SmG» Cloud
Edited by: «SmG» Wires