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Offline Beasty

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Re: Murica!!!!!!!!!!

SmG Battlefire Wrote:Government regulating the economy is the regulation of my pursuit of happiness.

I'll just file that under the list of other retarded things you've said. What the fuck are you even talking about? So I take it you are not happy at the moment?
07 Jul 2015, 03:42 AM
Offline Alloy

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Re: Murica!!!!!!!!!!

Government is not regulating the monopolies which is a big problem in our society today. Because those companies are sponsoring people in congress and they get a lot of protection from it and they control what will get passed and what won't. We need a Roosevelt in our era and make a more healthy free market economy and have politician support people's ideology rather than the monopolies.
07 Jul 2015, 01:38 PM
Offline Beasty

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Re: Murica!!!!!!!!!!

SmG Alloy Wrote:Government is not regulating the monopolies which is a big problem in our society today. Because those companies are sponsoring people in congress and they get a lot of protection from it and they control what will get passed and what won't. We need a Roosevelt in our era and make a more healthy free market economy and have politician support people's ideology rather than the monopolies.

"Muh markets are the answer."

Free Markets are basically the God of economics; they don't and can't exist, and even if they could they'd be utterly shit.

People assume that markets provide relevant information for what a society needs and that assumption is the basis for a snap judgement when deciding if the person talking to you know's what they're actually talking about. Markets are actually fucking terrible at trying to decipher the needs of any given society; the reason being that Markets only work under a variety of false assumptions, most important of which is that it treats all actors within an economy as purely rational actors- that is, it assumes that all economic actors will act with their most important needs as their primary motivators.

Another thing to note is that markets are fucking terrible at providing social needs that are not economically advantageous. This is due to a variety of factors, but of them some of the most important include functioning on the basis of capital versus heads- that is to say that capital speaks, not people. And people with capital consequentially speak the loudest in terms of what markets assume an economy needs, even at the expense of the needs of a million others. So yeah, a more expansive health care system could benefit more people, but it wouldn't benefit the people that matter, namely those who benefit from the suppression of other economic actors. This is not unintended; capital accumulation invariably leads to capital consolidation, and that process is only furthered if you remove government regulations.

There is no crony capitalism, this is capitalism when you give it time to mature. It's exactly as intended, and it's not so pretty. Extremely Darwinian, in fact.

Oh, and by the way, to elaborate on your understanding of the corruption within American politics. Part of the problem lies in the fact of a little something called Corporate Personhood. Corporate Personhood is the thing that allows corporations to be treated like single entities, which allows them to sue, eases taxation and regulation standards and most importantly protects shareholders from the responsibility of another legal entity (the corporations). The problem is this legal fiction was done by granting corporations personhood, and by extension 14th amendment rights. Unfortunately, corporations being persons also grant them all other constitutional rights designated to a person, and in this instance the straw that broke the camels back is corporations being given 1st amendment rights, which includes free speech like donations to political campaigns. So you've got politicians who require millions to run a political campaign, and corporations who can use their capital to influence the outcome of elections. It's a win win for everyone, except you, because when the only way to run a successful political campaign is to receive these donations, then corporations can donate to both sides of any election and the election is rigged without ever having to actually bribe or rig anything or anybody. It's completely legal to do this because there is nothing technically wrong with withdrawing financial support of a political campaign that is not implementing ideas you agree with, even if those donations come from corporations and come in the sums of multi-millions. It can't be fixed from the inside because no politician could get elected in spite of the system, and even if they did, if they actually posed any risk at all, these corporations and bankers would sooner make their careers ruined or make them disappear. These people are not going to give up control of the most powerful nation that humanity has ever seen just because you "beat them fair and square" ;(. Shit doesn't work that way in the real world.
08 Jul 2015, 02:23 AM

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