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Should we go to school?
Offline sexualised pigeon

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RE: Should we go to school?

No. The best choice I've ever made was leaving school. Since I left I rarely get migraines and I sleep better at night. You can learn the basics just by being around people daily minus all the stress. If anything it's counter productive.
09 Jul 2018, 09:04 PM
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RE: Should we go to school?

Not college, its so unneeded but everyones too stupid to make anything out of their lives and make a difference in this world, thats why we are still working with oil, and not a better industry maker.
09 Jul 2018, 09:49 PM
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Offline Styx877

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RE: Should we go to school?

Absolutely yes, imo everyone who thinks school is unnecessary oversimplifies this subject.
School is much more than just learning. School ensures that you are permanently in contact with other people. This is of enormous importance especially in the digital age, where the internet partially replaces real social contact for a lot of people already. Back in the days most kids did go outside and established contacts with others by simply playing their occasional game of football with some stranger kids they found on the field. This way of easily becoming friends with others seems to be vanishing. I assume that without school, many of us would be pretty lonely. At least I got to know most of my friends if not all through school.
I know school is annoying, hard and it sucks ass but plays a really important role in forming your personality. I am of the opinion that your failure is what forms your character and makes you a stronger person. It is also what leads you forward. If you fail, you learn what not to do and you think of ways to improve. School is what forces you to go to your limits, to fail and to acquire more knowledge in order not to fail again. By that I do not only mean knowledge that you need for your school subjects but also that it teaches you how to solve problems that you have with other people. It is not really an option to just ignore a conflict as you most likely see the person every week or even every day. Most likely, things aren't always going like you want them to do and that's a good thing. Look at those spoiled brats who get everything they want from their parents. They do not fully understand how the real world works, they are living in a safe space where everything is exactly like they want. They have never been in a situation where they realize that they have to get active in order to change what they don't like because their parents do that for them. Now imagine their parents would suddenly be out of money. They would be absolutely lost as they have never learned how to live a normal life. People who have never gone to school would probably be sitting at home playing video games as no one kicks their ass and forces them to learn. They would most likely get lazy as fuck because let's be realistic, they wouldn't use their free time to learn stuff that interests them more than what they learn in school but instead entertain themselves 24/7 with other stuff that provides them with dopamine within seconds. Learning new stuff most often isn't really exciting as you will fail a hundred times before you get the feeling of having achieved something. I know this too good as sometimes I try to improve my drawing skills but end up hating everything I do and quitting after a few hours. It's simply hard to keep yourself motivated without the feeling of success and I think that's why you wouldn't really learn effectively on your own.
However, I do think that later on in your school career when you have learned the basics of all the subjects (maybe after 10th grade), you should be able to focus more on the things that you are interested in. Currently, this choice of specialisation is not really given in my home country Germany and I can imagine that it's the same in most other countries.
Overall, the whole school system is pretty archaistic and needs to be adapted to modern times but abolishing school would imo be a really big mistake.
It's a pretty complex matter and there is so much more to say for both sides (pro school and contra school) than what I can express with my mediocre English and my tired brain...
Everyone should take the position of both sides and then evaluate but at least for me it is obvious that without school we would change to the negative.
10 Jul 2018, 10:02 PM
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RE: Should we go to school?

Definitely not
11 Jul 2018, 06:31 AM
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RE: Should we go to school?

It just depends on if you can make it with out it
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11 Jul 2018, 01:04 PM
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RE: Should we go to school?

school is important, but really only when you get to college and actually start learning about stuff for your career, but in order to get to college you need to succeed in highschool and shit, so i mean yeah half the stuff you learn is worthless but you just gotta deal wit it
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11 Jul 2018, 01:34 PM
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RE: Should we go to school?

school is important when you know your interest.
math, physics, chemistry, ecomomy, etc etc
11 Jul 2018, 05:40 PM
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RE: Should we go to school?

School is for training the elites tbh. If you're shit you get dumped.
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12 Jul 2018, 06:35 AM
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RE: Should we go to school?

To be honest I don't really remember anything from school and nothing there is in my interests but I know that we should go to school for different reasons.
I've seen 14 year old kids skipping class so they can do drugs.
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12 Jul 2018, 07:23 AM
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RE: Should we go to school?

12 Jul 2018, 07:54 AM
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