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Late Night Thoughts
Offline Happysensations

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Star  Late Night Thoughts

Ya know just some late night thoughts with Happy Sensations ~

I am a victim of Insomnia and so I thought maybe I'd start a thread for those who also suffer from Insomnia as well.

( ̄ρ ̄)..zzZZ
Here you can post your late night thoughts that keep you awake, don't worry we never judge! 

My thoughts on tonight are: 

Why did people begin to love? As I grew up I never really quite understood what love really was (especially since childhood trauma came too quick). I would always be alone by myself and ponder about this question and til this day as well, clearly, you can tell that I do. What is the point of setting yourself to love something when you're just going to get hurt over it until you find something else that won't hurt you yet, but in the end, eventually will end up hurting somehow? I've never had much luck with relationships at all as well, even though people claim I'm a sweet girl or I'm so pretty, maybe that's another reason I don't understand much. Even so, I'm sure there is an answer to my question while I'm just sitting behind the computer screen writing about something silly. Well, that's it for my late night thoughts tonight and I hope you enjoyed reading it somewhat! 

~ Happy Sensations, 
Dream out ~ 

_(:3 」∠)_
26 Aug 2018, 03:02 AM
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RE: Late Night Thoughts

My late night thought yesterday was that I think i did pretty good in open mic. All i did was read the alphabet but I think i did pretty good ?. And thank you for the reputations! Your amazing too!
[Image: 8Aq2y4T.gif]
Thanks @SmG HelHeim for this cool signature 
26 Aug 2018, 07:40 AM
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RE: Late Night Thoughts

Whats hu, whats man, whats human
[Image: smgpolitik.png]
26 Aug 2018, 07:43 AM
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RE: Late Night Thoughts

I had anxiety right in the middle of my performance so I ended it quickly, thank you for giving me the courage to perform.  SmGLove
Another late night thought was 'why do people fear death'
I usually think of that when I see creepypastas.
I'm not as scared of death as most people but if i were to say that, my anxiety would hit hard and i might need to delete out i get too nervous. I hope you understand.  PandaCry
Ps: I've just learnt what insomnia means, i probably have it as it is really difficult for me to sleep. It's not that I've been on my computer for too long, i just can't sleep properly. This has lead me to develop eye bags at my young age (16).
I sometimes sleep at 5:00 in the morning and wake up at 2:00 in the afternoon. Maybe that's insomnia or maybe it's just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That was a long paragraph and i hope whoever is reading this understands.
-Thank you-
[Image: 8Aq2y4T.gif]
Thanks @SmG HelHeim for this cool signature 
(This post was last modified: 26 Aug 2018, 08:00 AM by Void.)
26 Aug 2018, 07:57 AM
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RE: Late Night Thoughts

Cos of the amount u happiness u can get? probably
[Image: 969nxh4.gif]
26 Aug 2018, 03:34 PM
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RE: Late Night Thoughts

Hello! I personally don't have insomnia. Although, I think it's nice that you started a thread on something people may be able to relate to. Thanks for opening up a bit about yourself
to us. ^ω^

× Last night I was wondering what it would be like to have a family of my own. I want to be able to create a positive, healthy environment for them. I know that they will become my top priority in the future. 

Love exists in many forms. Each one of us has our own definition of happiness and love. I think we all view them in a similar degree. There is a quote I'd like to share with you: "Conquer your fears or your fears will conquer you." Fears can hold people back from discovering more about themselves and their surroundings. It's okay to be afraid. Sometimes we will need to muster courage in ourselves that way we can push forward and experience something new in our lives. It can be fun to jump out of our comfort zones every now and again. A person has got to be willing to take risks. Experiencing pain is inevitable. There is no way of avoiding it. Even so, I find it to be worthwhile. Love can change us for the better. I'm not sure if anyone fully understands what love is. At the very least, most of us will be able to experience it at some point in our lives. If you think about it, love and nurture are seen in some species. I can go on, but I will digress.
Here's another quote that might interest you, "It's not lack of love, but lack of friendship that ruins a relationship."
26 Aug 2018, 04:46 PM
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Offline Happysensations

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RE: Late Night Thoughts

Late night thoughts of tonight:

I've been troubled with my personal demons for as long as I can remember and my mother being one of them. I have no idea why I'm revealing this on here or why I even am opening up to a bunch of people who probably don't really care. After all, I am just another person on the internet hiding behind her screen laying in self-pity. I've managed to stop my demons from making my life horrible and now they're my friends except her. For her, I've cut my ties with her and now maybe I'm ready to be happy well just maybe. I really do hope I can experience happiness and live my life to the fullest without having to think negatively all the time, who knows maybe I'll find the love of my life as well. Ah who am I kidding, no one could ever love me for me. Silly girl that I am indeed. I will be waiting for the day that I can rest peacefully, just not now. I've got way better things to do than mope, I won't slack anymore than I already have. Love yourself like you've never loved anyone else before. 

~ Happy Sensations,
Dream Out ~

29 Aug 2018, 02:54 AM
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RE: Late Night Thoughts

Great to see ya got that way of thinking
Be strong and do ya best
I can only hope the best for you life ,as i am also only a stranger on the internet
29 Aug 2018, 03:35 AM
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RE: Late Night Thoughts

our life is just like this : someone created god as a video game character then he created us as a video game characters then we created video games characters thats play video games characters that go to the GTA V strip club and see some video game characters....then afters hes done he go play video games as his favourite character that loves to play video games as cool characters. ...yeee wtf did i wrote
Tell me, from the moment you were born, has there ever been a point when you've actually told the truth?
01 Sep 2018, 11:37 AM
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Offline SmG luzifer

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RE: Late Night Thoughts

(01 Sep 2018, 11:37 AM)xXxKID_DARKNESSxXx Wrote: our life is just like this : someone created god as a video game character then he created us as a video game characters then we created video games characters thats play video games characters that go to the GTA V strip club and see some video game characters....then afters hes done he go play video games as his favourite character that loves to play video games as cool characters. ...yeee wtf did i wrote

what XD
[Image: 969nxh4.gif]
01 Sep 2018, 11:41 AM
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