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Go, Go, Faggot Rangers!
Offline Beasty

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Go, Go, Faggot Rangers!

[Image: TeamMilkyWanksPromoPoster_zps0627424b.png]

ITT: Join Team Milky Wanks (unless you aren't a faggot; in which case, you lie, because you are on this site.)

To join Team Milky Wanks, you must meet at least 69 (GET) of the following requirments;

>be an oldfag
>be a *****
>be a faggot
>Be a dumbass
>Be aspergers (lel, we know you are)
>get skype
>stop using xfire, this isn't 2010
>masturbate to the beat (fap hero is the shit, google it)
>praise the lord Raptor Jesus
>be a canuck, americunt or aussiefart (sorry indiafags, get rid of your calling centers then we can talk)

Current Member Count (>implying we have any members):

Kartik (Drilla)
Chris (Me you dumb newfag)
Jeff (Rebel a.k.a. my waifu)
Travis (Spec)
Jorge (Psych; sold his soul in exchange for furry porn.)
The Nazi (Uzzman)
FapMasterFlex (Conana Banana)


F.A.Q. (for dummies)


Q. Is this a clan?

A. No it isn't, because nobody here plays shit anyways.

Q. Is there a leader?

A. Fuck up with your hierarchical bullshit. This is for anarcho-autists only.

Q. What the fuck is Team Milky Wanks?

A. A bunch of shitposting faggots that hang out on skype and just invade other clans and sites and shit, ruing the day for everyone. Mostly made of people who shit their pantsu~ and left when the multiclanning thing happened.

Q. I don't meet the requirements, but I still want to join. I want to hang with the autistic oldfags and look uber kewl but I'm not kawaii enough to meet your standards, Onii-chan. Can I still join, desu~?

A. Kill yourself. And yes. Yes you can.

Q. Why would I want to join you faggots?

A. Protip, you don't.

If you have any further questions, feel free to PM Cloud.

He won't get back to you.
16 Feb 2014, 05:42 AM
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