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LoL Discussion Thread
Offline Beasty

The Lord thy God
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Re: LoL Discussion Thread

SmG Ray88 Wrote:so apparently voyboy got 2300 on his sat, is an ib scholar, and a pro gamer
what am i doing with my life

School is overrated anyways. It's based on the false premise that you can accurately measure intelligence by examining work ethic in an office setting.

Clearly only an idiot would come up with something like that. Then again, school as we know it today was invented in early-mid 1800's America to organize children into groups by age and keep them in school so that they would enter factories in periodic "waves" to make the economic circumstances of the industrial revolution more bearable for families. Reason being, there were more people than jobs, and both child labor and poverty were extremely widespread (since it was more expensive to pay adults that needed to support their families than to hire an 8 year old boy to haul coal out of a mine and breath in toxic air that would undoubtedly kill him later in life).

It is, and always has been, about social conditioning and maintaining the economic status quo. That's why children who live in poor areas are systematically sent to poor performing schools so that they retain their low economic status, while children of wealth attain schooling from high end/private schools and ivy league colleges, where the name of the brand carries all the weight.

With F's and proud.
19 Jun 2014, 10:16 PM
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