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Offline Beasty

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Discord: betsy#4548
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Re: Welp.

SmG Ray88 Wrote:get carried n00b
i remember back in early season 3, 3-7 would place you in bronze 3


Nigga please. In all seriousness, I could have placed even higher. Kind of dissapointed because I knew I could have played better if I hadn't lagged as much/played champs I didn't really like. Like my last ranked game, I played karthus specifically to try and counter alkali who I thought was going mid because they had a jax, but then on the loading screen jax had a smite. So I ended up leaning against a talon, which would have been fine if I didn't disconnect every time I got to lane for like the first 10 mins. Talon ended up with a huge cs lead and kill on our retarded ass jungler before I even got my second fucking minon, that's how bad the lag was. Then the second he sees me when I'm not lagging, he just ults and all in's me under turret and my whole team yells saying "hur dur play passive retard" and I'm just like nigga.... It's shit like that that just ticks me off.

I guess there's a silver lining. At least I wasn't placed in bronze- I would have legitimately been pissed because I am no bronze sir.
17 Sep 2014, 10:38 AM
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