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Ranked 2015!
Offline Beasty

The Lord thy God
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Re: Ranked 2015!

SmG Ray88 Wrote:
SmG Beasty Wrote:FUCK. I should have just not played at all last season. Now if I don't ace every game they're going to push me into bronze because they think I'm actually Silver V.
Why would riot put you in bronze if they think you're silver 5? I think you meant bronze 5. Still doesnt change the fact you have bronze 3 mmr currently...

>we’re again running a soft reset to player position with the start of the ranked season, meaning you’ll likely place lower than where you ended the previous season.

I ended the previous season Silver V, meaning unless I blow shit up I'll probably get placed bronze this season. I'm not worried about getting out of it, I just know you'll talk shit when it happens.

Not starting off on the right foot here. Both you and unreal were silver your first season and plat your second, so if I can't get plat this season I'm a disgrace.

It'd be easier if you were training me like you said you would, but instead you rag on me about my k/d and shit in a game mode that I don't even really play (at least not yet). wtf nigga I'm supposed to be your kōhai and shit and you like verbally abuse me.
14 Jan 2015, 02:57 PM

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