Current time: 23 May 2024, 03:17 AM

Damn, I'm not sure what to do....
Offline Beasty

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Damn, I'm not sure what to do....

Alright.... So I was at work today and this co-worker of mine who works in another part of the store who I don't really interact with kept trying to start conversation with me about like pointless shit.

Anyways, so come time for me to leave, I was waiting for my ride to show up which was late, and she was coincidentally on her 15 at the time. Anyways she basically started talking to me again but she got way more personal and started talking about our ages and whether or not I had a girl or anything. When I said no, she basically called me hot and a few mins later asked me if I "wanted to chill". TL;DR I am pretty sure she was basically asking me if I was DTF.

The thing is, she's like 28 going on 29 and I'm 19. She also is definately that kind of girl that smokes and all that shit (she was saying she was like straight outta bawston and shit and she had the accent and everything, she definately gave off that hardass girl vibe), which I basically don't do that kind of thing. She wasn't ugly, but she's not hot either.

I didn't spaghetti, but to be honest I was kinda nervous and basically told her that I was a little young for that and all. But I can't help but keep thinking that if I wanted to salvage it I could always go to her and basically say that I was kind of nervous and not very experienced with woman. Hell, maybe that's be a plus?

I'm just not sure. She doesn't seem like somebody I'd want to have a real relationship with or anything, so I wouldn't want to give that kind of idea, but at the same time it might be good to get some experience for once you know?

I'm just not really sure what to do.
19 May 2015, 09:49 PM

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