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New Halo CE map *NOT finished*
Offline Sman545

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Re: New Halo CE map *NOT finished*

SmG Bravo Wrote:
SmG Sman545 Wrote:
SmG Bravo Wrote:We got some new stuff going on the map :) We ain't gonna much much screenshot, we hope to be a surprise in the end :)
but we could sure use some help if you're good in 3d modelling

or Photoshop (i sure need some help from this)
as ive been telling u guys i have this awesome friend who is good at making maps, so if u ever need help i can try to hook u up
tell us who is this mysterious guy already
his name is benjimod, and he made the paradise maps, which to me look retty good, and he is currently working on another map. He is french but also speaks english fluently

[Image: tumblr_nwjh48gfnE1soqrhbo1_r1_1280.jpg]

28 Jun 2011, 07:49 PM
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