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[Ban Appeal] drowsy alt Ban Appeal
Offline drowsy alt

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Discord: ilovedrowsy
Exclamation  drowsy alt Ban Appeal

Ban Appeal

1. Rules: Have you read and agreed to our Community Rules?:

2. Game/Server Please state which Game and/or Server you have been banned on:
SmG Gaming Discord

3. Names: Please state the exact name you were using when banned. For Discord, make sure to state both Username and #Number.

4. Other Names: State any other names you may have used separately.
At the time of my ban my forums account held the name "Fernfruit"

5. Time: Please state the approximate date and time you were banned. Including your timezone.
I believe November 20th at around 10 pm EST, 2023. Something like that

6. Why were you banned?: Please state the reason you were banned or why you think you were banned.
I think I was only banned for mute and ban evading.

7. Why should you be unbanned?: Please state why you think you should be un-banned providing as much evidence as possible.
With permission, here is my ban appeal.

I recognize my behavior was extremely immature, and probably made it seem like I was seeking attention. There's no doubt in my mind that people sought it out to be that way, in fact I know so. I'm not going to make any excuses or deny those thoughts. I apologize for bringing my drama into the server to begin with, and I deeply apologize to anybody who was involved or affected. I'm also sorry to somebody who I believe I wrongly deflected my annoyance upon without having any knowledge on the matter, knowing they soft muted me. Not only did I not take into appreciation the fact they granted me amnesty following the matter, I evaded that mute with several alts, ban evaded with a couple more alts and a VPN. I took advantage of the resources I had, and I shouldn't have done so. I however have learnt from my child-like behavior and I know that I'm better than redirecting the blame. Going on to be 16 in a week, I'm old enough to take full responsibility for my actions and be held accountable, and instead I chose not to be. I was wrong for that. I take pride in being a valued member to many in SmG, and I know I can bring a lot of activity to the server — again. Something crucial to the SmG community. I don't expect to be unbanned anytime soon, as I'm sure there's a lot of conversations to be had, but I expect to hopefully return in the next couple of months. Thank you for your consideration.
12 Mar 2024, 04:08 PM

Messages In This Thread
drowsy alt Ban Appeal - by drowsy alt - 12 Mar 2024, 04:08 PM
RE: drowsy alt Ban Appeal - by Altair - 12 Mar 2024, 04:16 PM
RE: drowsy alt Ban Appeal - by Altair - 14 Mar 2024, 07:15 PM

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