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People chanting against Senate ruling
Offline Beasty

The Lord thy God
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Re: People chanting against Senate ruling

Battle, give up on what? What did we ever have to begin with? I read your post above, quite frankly I was a bit more perturbed with the wise ones hypocrisy.

Big fucking deal. We walked on the moon. We made a wheel. How much of a contribution is that really? All its done is enable us to live in ignorance, not to die for it as we should.

Overcome the bad things? Don't make me fucking laugh. This entite world is based on the concept of bad. Why must we kill to survive, to eat? Why must we ponder questions that are unanswerable? Why must we feel inclinations towards feelings of hatred and lust and greed? The entire world is bad, its the good that acts as a veil covering its gruesomeness.

Those who choose so can hide behind their religion, at the end of the day, we all know there is no fucking god, or heaven or any of that bullshit. Life wouldn't be as evil as it is if their was. People WANT to believe theres something better, there is some sort of moral code. There isnt, I could go out right now and stab a person jogging by, and the only thing I have to fear for my life is my fellow brethren judging me, not some omnipotent divine plan.

Do you honestly believe for one second that anything out there would not have come forward after thousands of years of religion? Why hasn't anyone seen an angel, or god or whoever? And don't give me some bullshit bible/Qur'an quote, its a hundreds of year old fucking book for christ sakes, that hardly constitutes question, much less proof.

It boils down to I can do whatever the fuck I want because I can. I can slaughter an entire movie theater or a school, without fear of being smited by his "almighty-ness"; if lives were that important he would've stopped me, or anyone else in history who commits horrible acts like those daily. But he doesn't, and thats cause he doesn't fucking exist.
28 Jun 2013, 02:53 AM
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