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Political Discussion that came out of nowhere
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SmG Battlefire Wrote:1. You expect us to have 1000 troops in every city just for safety? Does not work like that.
2. USA has the best opportunities. That is why we have immigrants.
3. The biggest country was a troll. The second biggest.
4. Yes we do, go to Hawaii.
5. Yes we should be proud of having nukes. You think we should just not have any while the Soviet Union was making them. It's for our safety so no idiot attacks us.
6. We have the legit Disneyland. Not some stupid lame ones in other countries. We have the best and it was first created in USA. Oh also those other ones are owned by a US company called Disney.
7. We make the best games.
1.- No, I don't. I'm trying to imply that it's worthless to have the "biggest and strongest" army if you use them correctly, but hey my opinion, cause i know, you know everything.
2.-Best opportunities? don't make me laugh please :D
3.- Yeeeah...right.
4.- Caribean, Montañita in Ecuador. Punta Can, Dominican Republic...WAAAY better beaches.
5.-Oh, please then go, be proud to have genocide, enviroment destroying weapons. Never said you shouldn't have them, I tried to say, you shouldn'tbe proud of having them.
6.-It was created on US, but let me correct you. Disney is a MULTINATIONAL company. And actually, there are places that would leave Disney as just a park.
7.- Legend of Zelda, Japanese creators. Mario Bros, Japanese creators. Metroid, Japanese Creators. Pokemon, Japanese creators. Tetris, Russian creators.

SmG Battlefire Wrote:No that's why we built nukes this many. We can't left the Soviets go above us. or it's big trouble. Like time putting rockets in Cuba than can be fired at any land in US.
ZOMG, we got a time traveler here. Don't let Soviets now you traveled foward in time, or they might kill you

Quote:And again numbers don't count. We won against Japan with little troops because of the "Europe fist plan" (if you don;t know what that is, it's a plan that fighting in Europe is more important so the troops fighting against Japan had minimum supplies). It was 5-1 with us as 1. And we won.
No, you won over Japan cause you murdered around 90,000–166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000–80,000 in Nagasaki, with roughly half of the deaths in each city occurring on the first day. Directly from wikipedia. Now we should highlight that most of this casualities were CIVILIANS. So, you won trying to extinct the Japanese population.
16 Apr 2013, 10:59 PM
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