Current time: 09 May 2024, 02:24 AM

Political Discussion that came out of nowhere
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SmG Lich Wrote:Um...yes they did, check the internet. And about the missile shield they would require a high amount of electro-magnetic power, which i seriously doubt America would have. My history is fine thank you, but wb yours? Check Russia history and then come talk to me. Putin everyone doesnt care about... hes just another tyrant, and im quite sure they can beat America, and America know they cant do nothing about that other then complain and whinge and steal. So ask yourself this: Do you know America that well. Dont get me started on its history and its current situation.....they are too vain, too obnoxious, and the most obese people in the world (check), while russia is simply hiding in wait, waiting for America's own downfall which is similar to Rome.


Hahaha that's funny dude. May I remind you Russia is the most dependent country? They have one of the weakest economy. Right after they Soviet is no more. How can they fight while they still need to get their agriculture back up. Without that they can't feed their troops.

Ask any military experts. The most famous ones say USA can beat them. With war our production levels rise like the past wars. That way we can afford war. But Russia...they can't. They ask USA for good relations...because they know they need to or their screwed. I do agree it will be a bloody war. But USA has better navy, well high trained troops, and best air force. Russia has the second best. They haven't upgraded their yet but it's still descent and powerful. But with our USAF F-22 Raptor we are better.

Now please no more of this. All countries are unique in someways.

List of favorite countries.


If it continues I will ask a mod to lock it. This topic should not end like that.
[Image: ABT7lEM.gif]
16 Apr 2013, 11:27 PM

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