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No Respawntime - How?
Offline Sman545

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Re: No Respawntime - How?

I have it too, so I can send you it (on teh skype) if you can't find it.[/quote]
Jacob, read my post.
I said, I do not know if it has been released to the public.
So, don't go giving maps out that you don't if are released or not.

I have all the maps on my mediafire account. Uploaded them as offsite backups.
If Troy says the maps are okay to give out, or are public, which I believe they are.
I can give you the link to the maps. Just don't want Troy to get mad at me for giving out his unfinished material.[/quote]

I did get hold of the Octagon map.

I sent tr0y a PM asking for the other. He hasn't answered me yet, though. (Strong Hold)

Also, out of pure curiosity, is there a test version of his Guardian somewhere? I saw some screen form it and it looked great.

EDIT: I got Strong Hold now.

EDIT2: I guess you can say... I got a strong hold of Strong Hold.... YYEEAAAHHHHHHHHH[/quote]

[Image: tumblr_nwjh48gfnE1soqrhbo1_r1_1280.jpg]

29 May 2011, 02:25 PM
Offline PirateEggs

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Re: No Respawntime - How?

ExuS Wrote:Also, out of pure curiosity, is there a test version of his Guardian somewhere? I saw some screen form it and it looked great.
I believe his Beta of Guardian is a H2MT exclusive, last I checked, sorry, but that was a while ago, since I am banned from the MM forums, actually IP range banned from their P.O.S website.
You would have to ask him about that.

The reason Beta maps are not given out is for a few reasons, main reason is so there are 10 different versions of every map floating around and no one updating their maps and complaining when they can't play in the servers or with their friends.
Also, it's because they're unfinished and most people don't really like their half finished projects floating around either.

So, it's best to talk to the maker of the maps, or Kills Alone, he would probably be the most knowledgeable person to speak to on that front.
[Image: 27269.png]
29 May 2011, 06:24 PM
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Re: No Respawntime - How?

I remember seeing the octagon map being hosted by someone a while ago
[Image: 23v0rhd.jpg]
30 May 2011, 03:00 AM
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Re: No Respawntime - How?

ExuS Wrote:Holy shi...

I thought my absence from the H2V community had made me forgotten a long time ago... apparently not! It's nice to hear my montages have inspired people to buy the game. Oh well, for those of you who needs an introduction I am basically a regular dude who used to play H2V a lot back when it first came out in 2007. I started making montages for fun and it was very relaxing but exciting at the same time to see my gameplay and editing progress with every video. After I released my 3rd montage last summer I stopped playing completely. Two days ago, I was at a LAN with some bros and just for the hell of it, me and my other friend started H2V up.

So, that's the story behind this thread. My and my friend wanted to play an octogon-ish gametype on a LAN server, 1v1.

So yes, I would like to be able to host a server of my own with the no-respawn settings.

Cloud, I can understand why you don't want this setting to "leaked out" so to say, but I'll give my word for it:I WILL NOT USE IT FOR OWN HOSTING other for than those LAN games with my friend.

Do you think you'd help me, Cloud?
:up: :up:
31 May 2011, 05:15 PM

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