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Toyz leaves TPA D;
Offline SmG Phoenix

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Toyz leaves TPA D;

Full message, just found it:


About leaving TPA, words from deep in my heart.


My journey of eSports in Taiwan has ended, almost 2 years, from just a normal enthusiastic player that thirst for victory just like everyone else, became a pro gamer with a bit of luck and chance. Do nothing but the best. This is the principle I have always been sticking on to and trying very hard for every game I played to prove myself. But honestly, the road ahead is not easy at all. I had been practicing more than 10 hours a day and started to feel numbness and pain in my wrist. But I still couldn’t help continue practicing even when I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. Fortunately, we did pretty well in tournaments in Taiwan, and we got the S2 and IPL5 qualifications. But I am not happy because at the same time people were jokingly referred us as King of South East Asia or King of Taiwan.

接下來長達三個月的集訓,我們每天不間斷的練習,當中跌跌撞撞過無數次,BattleRoyal 的18連敗,跟中韓隊伍練習各種被電,每次輸線的挫敗感都使我很沮喪,這段時間我一直覺得自己比不上其他選手,特別是Zzitai、Ambition這種對線技巧超凡的選手。一個選手在毫無信心的狀況底下根本沒辦法正常發揮更不用說超水準的表現了,比賽必然是越打越糟,但在這個困境底下我最終還是找到一個適合自己的打法。

After we got the qualifications we started our training, we practiced every single day before the S2 world championship. During these 3 months, we faced many problems and stumbled so many times. We lost 18 games in a roll in BattleRoyal, and lost every single game while scrimming with Chinese and Korean teams. I felt frustrated and very depressed every time when I lost the lane, and started to have the feeling that maybe i am not as good as other mid laner, especially players like Zztai and Amibition who has extraordinary laning skills. At this point, I have lost all my confidence, no one can perform properly under this condition, and of course I failed on the coming up games. But finally, I overcame this extremely difficult situation and found my own style to dominate the game.

S2大賽將近,經過各地區的預選賽之後總共十二個隊伍來角逐這次的世界總決賽,TPA也很幸運地東南亞區抽到地區種子直接進入S2八強,比賽前亦有各式各樣的網站去估算這次參賽隊伍的實力,雖然我們並不被看好名次只有比SAJ高被排在第十一名,因為大家都不看好我們,這份感覺反而讓我們五個抱著Nothing to lose的心態去放手一博,結果讓全世界都跌破眼鏡,連我自己都不敢相信這個結果,我們嬴得「世界冠軍」這個頭銜。

As the date of S2 world championship getting close, 12 teams from all over the world had advanced from regionals and were going to compete in world finals. TPA was very lucky to be the seed of South East Asia region and got straight into the quarter finals. Many websites had estimated the strength of every team participated, and TPA was only ranked higher than SAJ.


Although we won the S2 World Championship, there had been always some problems in our team. However we didn’t have the time and energy to face the problems because we had to prepare for IPL5 at that time. Before we left for IPL5, I asked Garena if I could switch to the new team (TPS) and stay for another year or even until the day I retire, but after IPL5, we had some discussion and Garena decided to switch Mistake to TPS was a better solution for all five TPA members at that time. Garena asked me to lead the team and keep playing, but my first reaction was that “No way! People will definitely criticize a lot that someone from Hong Kong to be a leader of Taiwanese team.” However, Garena still considered me as the most suitable player to be the team leader. Therefore I accepted this arrangement and continued to stay in Taiwan.

拿下S2冠軍之後很多玩家把Toyz跟世界頂尖AP劃上等號,漸漸變成大家學習與研究的對象,我也把自己的目標設定得越來越高,要求自己每一場比賽練習都要壓制對手,因為那時候開始Toyz對線被壓對大家來說是一件不符常理的事。那次比賽之後,別人應付我們的對策重點開始特別關照中路,在這種情況下我可以給予的線上壓制越來越少,如此同時我也漸漸迷失了,找不回自己的打法,我想盡辦法去改變自己的風格去適應對手的重點照顧,做出不一樣的嘗試,像AP Janna把隊伍核心放在AD上只需要線上拼命洗兵龜塔讓中路不會再被GANK到崩盤。但是回頭想想,這還是原來的Toyz嗎?為什麼把自己的風格轉變得不像自己了?

After winning Season 2 World Championship, a lot of players have considered Toyz as a world top AP, and started to research me and tired to learn from me. Therefore I set my goals really high and asked myself to win the mid line in every single game since people would think it’s unbelievable for Toyz not to win the line. Since then other teams tried to put the pressure on the middle line when playing with TPA. Because of that, it’s difficult for me to win the middle lane and I started to lose my own style of playing my mid AP. I have tried hard to change my playing style to cope with what other teams’ strategy which was focusing on me, and I did things like playing AP Janna to let the team rely on AD and all I had to do is to farm as much as I could and they wouldn’t always gank me and then in the end we would lose the game. However, thinking back, is this still Toyz? Why have I turned the playing style into the way which wasn’t really Toyz’s style?


After Season 2 World Championship, there were games like SWL, NGF, All-Star, GPL, I didn’t meet the expectations people have for TPA. We lost again and again, and I can’t explain how bad I feel about those critics and the pressure I had. Every time I checked PTT(Taiwanese forum like Reddit) and read about how people blamed and criticized me, I felt so bad that I couldn’t sleep. For a while, I had to rely on sleeping pills so I could get some sleep. Things like my nationality are not something I can do to change it, and I sometimes wondered why I wasn’t Taiwanese. Therefor, I just had to accept those critics. My old teammates left one after one, and this is not what we want to see. Thinking back, those factors made me stay after S2 has gone gradually. The faith that I had to fight for Taiwan somehow vanish and after one month’s long thinking, I made the decision to leave the team. I know very well that a lot of people support me and I really appreciate that. Maybe Some people don’t like me, but I am thankful for that you pointed out what my problems were.


Last, I want to thank Garena for inviting me to join TPA even though at that time I was just a player who won a few online games. Garena gave me an opportunity and the stage to become a progamer to prove myself. At Garena, a lot of people have been nice to me and helped me in every way, and my teammates who I have fought together all the way are great. I know I can’t be who I am now without you guys. Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart.
[Image: wksDXoi.gif]

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30 Jun 2013, 08:49 AM
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Re: Toyz leaves TPA D;

Bugger... he will still be best TF :)
[Image: Stinger-1.gif]
30 Jun 2013, 10:16 AM
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Re: Toyz leaves TPA D;

So is Stanley:
很久沒有和大家說明最近的情況了,我即將在六月底的時候離開TPA , S3是一個很大的轉變,除了遊戲節奏更快以外,角色的改動也變得更快,可能前幾個版本最OP的藍寶經過了一次Patch以後就變成沒有人要選他了,原本我都會在粉絲團上和大家分享每個角色的攻略還有一些想法,但是版本實在改變得太快讓我覺得好像這樣做變得很沒有意義….

Dear all,
It's been a while since my last update. Well, I'll be leaving TPA the end of June. There's a huge change of the metagame in S3, not only the pace of the game was more intense, the change of a champion was also faster. For example, Rumble used to be an OP champion before it got nerf, after that Rumble just disappeared. I used to share the masteries, strategies, and thoughts of some top lane champion on my fan page, but it seemed meaningless since the balance of the game was changing so fast.

從2011年的7月Mistake , Nexabc , Lillballz , A8000 , Colalin 還有我,這六個人成軍名字叫做 [ FTW ] 我們打了第一次在台灣的線下賽--RC邀請賽,當時RC邀請了英雄聯盟S1的冠軍Fnatic來台灣,所以希望透過比賽選出台灣最強的隊伍上電視來和他們打一場表演賽,我們拿到了當時台灣的第一名,但是卻沒有在表演賽打贏Fnatic。

Mistake , Nexabc , Lillballz , A8000 , Colalin, and me came into the team since July, 2011, and we named it "FTW". The RC Cup was the first live game that we attend to in Taiwan. The host invited Fanatic which was the champion of S1 to had a game with FTW, we won the 1st place of The RC Cup, but we lost the game against Fnatic.


We moved on to our lives after that, and A8000 went back to the states and continued his studying. The rest of FTW decided to attend G1 and we won, so we got the qualification to go to WCG 2011, after that Garena decided to sign a contract with FTW, and then we met Erica, our manager. We went to WCG together, but we didn't do well.

2012年4月的時候我們的隊伍正式成軍並且取名為 [ 台北暗殺星 ] ,4月底的時候有了Toyz 和 Bebe 的加入,隊伍一瞬間感覺如虎添翼,我們沒有經過很長時間的磨合,我們第一次的NGF線下賽就拿到了第二名的好成績,接下來的SW7中也拿到了第一名~雖然有一些線上賽表現得不是很好,比賽只要輸了我們就會被酸…..比賽只要贏了我們也會被說是東南亞霸主……Stanley只會單機…..但不管是輸還是贏,對我們來說都是很重要的練習機會,我們在國內一直被稱為東南亞霸主….很多人都認為我們一出國就會被打爆,我們很想證明自己,因為我們覺得我們的實力不是只有這樣,最後我們居然真的拿到了世界冠軍! 我自己都無法相信! 站在舞台上所有觀眾歡呼加油的景象記憶猶新,當時在後台我記得我們所有人都因為太感動了沒有講任何一句話,我和Toyz說” [ 欸…..世界冠軍耶…..] 結果Toyz居然紅了眼眶開始掉眼淚….但是依然一句話都沒辦法說,我原本還以為Toyz是沒有眼淚的呢…..

We became "Taipei Assassins" (a.k.a. TPA) in April, 2012. Toyz and Bebe joined the team in the end of April and made TPA stronger than ever. We didn't have much time to practice, but we did well and got the 2nd place in our first live game in NGF, and after that we got the 1st place in SW7. People didn't think we could make it this far at the beginning and we got many bad comments, but we didn't let anything beat us down, and we treated every game as an excellent opportunity to practice and to improve our skills and gained more experience. Many people thought TPA could only beat the teams in the Southeast of Asia and could never compete with other teams in the world. We wanted to prove to everyone that we could do much better because we knew that we were strong, but we never thought that TPA was the champion of S2! I still remembered standing on the stage and listened to the crowed cheering for us. When we went to the backstage, everyone of us was too shocked and touched that no one said a word. I looked at Toyz and said to him: "'s the S2 champion..." and Toyz just dropped a tear and couldn't say anything. Before that, I thought Toyz was the kind of guy that never cried

我非常感謝Garena公司願意栽培我們,也非常謝謝當時所有的隊友們,Toyz Bebe Mistake Lilballz Nexabc Colalin Erica Puffs ,另外特別感謝老闆Retty 給我們這個機會 , 你們一個也不能少,少了哪一個人我們可能都沒有辦法拿到世界冠軍。

I thank to Garena which spent efforts and time on the team, and thank everyone in the team. Toyz, Bebe, Mistake, Lilballz, Nexabc, Colalin, Erica, and Puffs, and specially thanks to Retty for this wonderful opportunity, we couldn't make it to S2 and won the 1st place without any of you.

年底我得知了Erica 要離開TPA的消息,我覺得很難過,非常捨不得。因為Erica真的是一個很優秀的隊經理,而且最重要的是她是真心為了我們好的,一點都不像是工作上的夥伴,她真心把我們都當成好朋友。

Last year after we won S2, I learned that Erica was leaving TPA, I felt sad and didn't want her to go. Erica was really a outstanding manager and only wanted the best for the team. She was not only a colleague, but a very close friend of mine, and she treated us with her heart too.

S3開始後我們隊伍的狀況就一直不是很好,比賽的成績也越來越差,隊伍因為種種原因無法適應S3,我們試著解決問題。我們不斷的嘗試以及努力,直到有一天球球有了退休的打算,我的心情有點複雜。一方面是球球是一路從FTW開始就和我一起努力的夥伴,中間我們吵過無數次架但是最終我們都還是做到了。另外一面是我們團隊又少了一位當時一起拿冠軍的戰友們。我自己也有想過我是不是差不多該離開了….? 因為我覺得這時候的TPA好像和我當初所認識的TPA不一樣了….

We didn't do well since S3 began and our records got worse and worse. TPA couldn't adjust to the new metagame for some reasons and we were trying to fix the problems. We kept trying very hard until one day Lilballz wanted to retire. I felt weird because Lilballz was there with me at the first when we were still called FTW, we had many fights but in the end we won S2 together. TPA was not the same team I used to know anymore, so I felt maybe it's my time to go.

公司很快的找了Sarsky還有叉燒老師加入了我們TPA,我和Sarsky當隊友一起練習的場次可能還不到10場吧,兩個禮拜前有一天我有如往常的到宿舍上班,公司的主管和我說 [ 丹利啊~為了S3好所以我們要嘗試新陣型,今天你就先休息吧 ~ ] 這個狀況大概持續了3天左右。

Garena found Sarsky and Fulidwind to join TPA. I only practiced with Sarsky less than 10 games, and about two weeks ago when I whet to work as usual, the manager told me to take a break for today because they want to try something new, and the situation last around three days.

我不太清楚公司為何想要嘗試新的陣型,所以我決定問問看主管了解一下狀況,得知了公司覺得我和團隊不配合還有練的角色不夠多,所以為了TPA能夠在S3比賽中得到好成績而希望我離開。基於對公司的尊重,我自己也有另外的人生規劃,我很快的談好離開的事情。從一月到現在,我與團隊一起期待過、努力過,我也認真的想過怎麼樣才能讓對伍變得更好,我記得我一月的時候po過文章,我當時還很有自信的認為對伍的狀況一定會越來越好,對不起所有對我們有期待的粉絲們,謝謝你們一路以來的支持,如果沒有你們的支持,我們絕對走不到世界冠軍這一步,我很珍惜有你們一路上的支持 ^^ 。

I wasn't quite sure why Garena wanted to try something new…. New formation , so I decided to ask our manager to understand more of the current situation, and I found out that Garena thought that I wasn't quite a team player and I wasn't too familiar with many champions, so for the good of TPA to do better in S3, Garena wanted me to leave the team. I respected Garena's decision and I also have my own plan for the future, so we both agreed my leaving very soon. From January till now, TPA tried and tried to become stronger, and I also thought about how to make the team better. There was a post I published on my fan page in January and I was very sure that TPA will be stronger... I wanted to say sorry to all of our fans, sorry for letting you guys down, and thank you so much for being there for us, we couldn't make it without your support. I love you all

不管怎麼樣我還是非常感激Garena公司對我這一年又七個月來的栽培,也祝福Garena旗下的兩支隊伍 TPA 和 TPS 之後會有更好的發展 並且在S3取得優良的成績,公司生意興隆。

I thank Garena for providing me lots of training in the past 19 months, and I wish all the best for both TPA and TPS in the future and do well in S3, and also wish all the best for Garena.
30 Jun 2013, 10:19 AM
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Re: Toyz leaves TPA D;

They should have just kept going..... T_T
[Image: wksDXoi.gif]

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30 Jun 2013, 06:44 PM
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