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"Nani, can you make some new threads" - NaniGill
Offline SmG KangarWu

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"Nani, can you make some new threads" - NaniGill

Since this is the case, hello those that wanna see this.

Let's talk about having technology in the palm of our hands... all the time. Let's make this controversial  TellMeMoar TellMeMoar TellMeMoar

I think at this point in time, we can safely say that those that grew up on technology, sort of depends on it like its no tomorrow...

I was speaking with my barber as he was giving me that nice fade. We both had a nice conversation on how today's generation of kids (of course not all of them but like 90% minimum) are entirely glued to the surface of their phones and their computers like their life depends on it.

Like, even when he was cutting someone that was in highschool, he said he could not believe that between two seconds into changing clips, the kid kept checking his phone out. 

Also, kids that are not even 5 years old REQUIRE a tablet or phone for them to sit still. If the child did not have a device in their hands, a big tantrum was thrown. 

I consider my total usage of technology to be around maybe 4 hours at most a day (give or take). This includes games, youtubing, and discord vc/chatting (80%/15%/5%).

IF you use technology mainly for work, you're considered excluded.
26 May 2019, 10:13 AM
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"Nani, can you make some new threads" - NaniGill - by KangarWu - 26 May 2019, 10:13 AM

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