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What makes a good spiderman comic ?
Offline panda

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What makes a good spiderman comic ?

Ultimate spiderman is probably one of the best spiderman comic line (until they went crazy with retcons) and it's also after where miles morales was introduced. The spiderman comics have been awful lately but marvel is actual rebooting the Ultimate universe completely (new canon) and the goat Jonathan Hickman is gonna be writing it (one of the best Marvel writers ever). What would you wanna see in it ? Personally I want it to have 5 things 

1) peter ages or dies in a meaningful and natural way at the end of the plot and has a conclusive end to his storyline , preferably I want him to live and age (see point 5)

2) meaningless conflicts get reduced. So much shit with villains and other charecters starts because of something stupid that could easily be solved if the writing was good and the charecters acted like rational people. Invincible and spawn comics do a great job at this all the conflicts are meaningful and villains are more complex and eventually either switch sides or realise they are too dangerous to live in these 2 comics 

3) spiderman willing to kill when neccesary , I want this to be a part of his charecter development. This is something invincible did very well and handled it in a nuanced way where he didn't just straight up kill anyone but made an effort to figure out if they are a threat worth killing or not. 

Which comes down to 

4) less recurring but well developed villains. The recurring villains shit becomes annoying fast but the OG 2001 ultimate spiderman comics handled this well by making them well developed and having sufficient amount of screen time before discarding them. This should be read together with point 3) 

5) peter has a good ending. I've been waiting for a long time for spiderman to have a good ending. The latest flash comics had a great ending and a great conclusion to reverse flash's arc too. I've been hoping that after so much trauma they give peter a good ending. Spiderman life:story ( also one of the best spiderman comics and one of the  best recent comics) has a great ending for spiderman but it was still not the ending he deserved. I just want Pete to finally be able to retire in peace some day with miles completely taking over
(This post was last modified: 20 Oct 2023, 08:26 PM by panda.)
20 Oct 2023, 07:31 PM
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