Current time: 08 May 2024, 07:03 PM

Shoutbox archive

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Alphii, get better internet
did we get ddosed again?
Actually Nukem is right, the earth form is defined especially as a "Geoid"
i didnt know the site had a chat lol
LMAO alphii u good cuh?
whats next, you tell me the earth is flat
@"chekedu" bet
i leave for one day and rundas and ghost are banned
Earth is thick
The Earth is an irregularly shaped ellipsoid.
Earth is a square
earth is round -_-
because the earth is flat
Why is the earth flat? q~q
I will miss the jokes but not the headaches
RIP Rundas, ngl will miss you
We lost the weave tho
I think rundas is funny but the bs that comes with that is just not worth it.

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