Current time: 29 Apr 2024, 08:31 AM

Shoutbox archive

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Chillin in fuckin 6:15pm
Cloud you want my face reveal?
Where's Facundo?
Recon sleep
thats the play
I just get them from working with apps
Yes Ma'am first blazing for Twenty Twenty-One
banana milkshake.
Ima actually listen to alphii and get some rest from forums soon my back killin me
I wasnt og
i forgot this shoutbox was a thing ngl
this is a new account lol
I just joined last week
also scrub why you talking like some hardass og, you left for two years kekw
alt and drazzle kekw
Jos just hasnt been registered

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Theme By: «SmG» Cloud
Edited by: «SmG» Wires